AvantCare supports providers to deliver care at home to our ageing community for Australian funded services ranging from HCP, CHSP, and DVA. Our real-time technology enhances collaborative care between client and carer engagement. Improve optimise scheduling overall data quality management, seamlessly meet compliance, and claim fee-for-service and Commonwealth payments with ease.
Partner with us to increase organisational efficiency and have more time to better support aged care recipients to continue to live independently at home.
Customer Management and Onboarding
Reduce administration by integrated website enquiry form
Record customer case notes
Track personal goals and progress
Manage client risk in medical conditions and risk assessments
Simplify billing for fee for service, individualised (HCP) plans or Block funding (CHSP)
Reduce DEX claiming delays with PRODA integration
Manage multiple funding source and balances for each client
Scheduling in Home Supports
Deliver efficiencies and reduced costs through optimised rostering for Home Care supports
Deliver client centric schedules based on client demand
Simplify rostering by Recurring scheduling templates and prefer support workers for clients' schedules
Comply with Aged Care and other compliance requirements on skill compliance and record keeping
Speed up the rostering process by matching support workers with the right skills, travel distance and availability with individual clients
Minimise costs in travel time and distance
Document Management
Secure storage on client documents with Microsoft SharePoint such as assessments, service agreements and medical documents
Simplify document version control and collaboration
Getting more done via document templates and workflows
Customer Portal
Increase transparency in support schedule, service history and funding balance
Conveniently update contract details and service preferences
Mobile App
Designed to simplify and reduce admin time for support workers
Access to the right level of information including work schedule, client information, emergency contact detail, medical conditions, and case notes history
Integration with HRIS and Payroll
Other Benefits
Microsoft Outlook Integration
Integration with Azure AD for single sign on