NDS Conference 2017
The roll-out of the NDIS presents challenges for disability service providers, with some providers finding that their current client management systems will not cope with the rapid changes to their financial model, staffing, reporting, billing and administration resulting from the roll-out of the NDIS.
Recognising the significant disruption that the NDIS means for the sector, illuminance Solutions, a Microsoft Gold Midmarket Solution Provider, embarked on a journey to develop a new client management system based on Microsoft’s Dynamics 365. Mr Stephen Price, of Microsoft, said that “we have been very pleased to support illuminance Solutions through Microsoft’s Cloud for Global Good programme with this new cloud-based system, which will allow organisations to increase the efficiency and accuracy of their operations as they meet the challenges of the NDIS.”
Describing illuminance Solutions as “an organisation driven to help the community”, CEO, Nilesh Makwana, explains that during the proof of concept stage of the project, “we also worked with a disability service provider to demonstrate that the new client management system would meet service providers’ needs”. Mr Makwana also said that they have “since worked with other human services organisations and peak representative bodies to further develop the system and IP, giving it some additional features”. This new system, known as AvantCare, is an integrated client and services information management platform. It includes a Care Worker Mobility Application that facilitates the day-to-day activities of care workers, and the Client Service Portal, which improves service delivery efficiency and establishes a two-way client-provider communication link.
AvantCare’s main point of differentiation from other solutions is that it facilitates client-centric business processes while also remaining agile enough to support an organisation’s evolving business requirements. AvantCare facilitates processes along the client’s entire journey, from the first conversation where a person identifies a need, through to assessment, funding applications, service planning, service delivery, NDIS reporting and client feedback.
Visit: www.avant.care or contact the AvantCare team at Illuminance Solutions to book a demo.