Interview with Innovation Nation - How AvantCare is impacting the Not-For-Profit Sector
Last Sunday, AvantCare was featured in an exclusive interview on Channel 9 by Innovation Nation, discussing our ongoing commitment and innovation in the not-for-profit and human services sector. This opportunity underscores the collective effort and dedication at AvantCare, reminding us of our core mission: to deliver impactful social change through our skills and technology. It's a chance to showcase the tremendous support we've received from our partners and dedicated team. Their hard work and commitment enable us to make a significant difference in the community.
Watch the complete AvantCare interview with Innovation Nation in the video below
illuminance Solutions CEO with our client Juniper CEO Russel Bricknell
Filming at illuminance headquarters
Innovation Nation’s Brad Hill interviewing illuminance Solutions CEO Nilesh Makwana and Principal Consultant Vincent Lam
Vincent Lam speaking with Innovation Nation’s Christina Morrisey in between filming
Juniper Age Care CEO Russel Bricknell shared their experience working with AvantCare